About Us




The mission of Take it Light is to provide consulting solutions in new, open & honest, and consistently genuine ways by leveraging 20 years of expert-level experience in the IT and Cybersecurity industry. We treat your challenges with the same level of confidentiality and priority as the classified data we handled for decades. Our positively logical strategies allow us to be accountable in achieving goals without feeling like your goals are ubiquitously on fire. We believe in earning your trust, we do not believe in the blame game or pointing fingers. Our mission is to show the world that you can think differently, achieve measurable results positively, while minimizing undesirable results, allowing you to Take it Light! 


Take it Light believes that being unique and different is one of the greatest values. We are committed to creating opportunities that previously did not exist. Our 20+ years of experience (at many different levels) open many doors that are typically not available. We provide solutions based on knowledge/experience of a billion-dollar business to companies of any size, non-profit organizations, or even for personal improvement. In doing so, we commit to always providing a selection of free services as our ongoing effort to provide knowledge and opportunity to our local/global community. We are all human and we all have feelings. Our world has the potential to change, one person at a time, one business at a time, if everyone exhibits genuine accountability and empathy, starting with our actions. Take it Light’s intention is to prove this dream can be a reality, through actions and measurable results, more than words. 

TAKE IT LIGHT is powered by e.H.A.C.K. framework; Empathy, Honesty, Accountability, Communication, & Knowledge

Khaleel Hack

Founder & Chief Executive Officer

There & Back Again; A Cyber Journey

20 years of experience in the IT field; over 15 years of experience in fast-paced, high-volume cyber environments. On-call 24/7/365 for technical, leadership, and Incident Response escalations in various roles.

Worked on over 2500 different corporate networks/infrastructures on a daily basis; companies ranging from 1-100,000+ employees.

Extensive experience creating documentation, integration, auditing, reporting; as an analyst, engineer, and leader. 

Multiple forms of clearance with various projects / handled classified data with 0 violations (DoD, DHS, USPS). 

Multiple functions of the Risk Assessment process for over 15 years, ranging from analyst, engineer, and leadership roles; for both internal and external entities, including multiple forms of classification, sensitivity, and scope.

Completed 15 years of various audits successfully (operational, financial, healthcare) from start to finish at multiple levels of depth. 0 critical audit exceptions published for any of the audits we’ve conducted with ITIL, SAS70, SSAE16, FFIEC, Governance, due diligence, DHS, USPS, and even internal audit teams appointed by the board. We have been on multiple sides of the audit as both auditor and auditee. 

Configured, managed, implemented/deployed, reported thousands of multi-factor environments using multiple different platforms in addition to multiple different forms of compliance.

GIAC Certified Intrusion Analyst (GCIA) knowledge-based creation of processes, documentation, training programs, reporting, strategy; for multiple different scopes of compliance and classification. 

Worked with every major platform, in addition to proprietary Linux-based devices. 

Designed more than 5 Security Operations Centers in 3 countries (compliance, data classification requirements). 

GCIA GIAC Certified Intrusion Analyst. Trillion+ alerts! (that’s right!). Design, configuration, implementation, auditing.  

Multiple different vendors and partnerships through measurable, consistent performance vectors and accountability on all sides. 

20 years of experience creating, implementing, training multiple departments, geographical regions, languages. Our training programs have been audited by multiple different compliances & data classifications. 

Leader of multiple levels of Governance program from strategy, reporting, communication, and execution (internally, externally, vendor, and partner levels).  

Experience integrating multiple teams for reasons ranging from budget, acquisition, etc. 100% success rate. 

Completed countless projects from many aspects of the Project Management process.

Throughout the years we have worked with PMs and worked as PMs with goals ranging from small business to large corporation.  

Countless reports: Executive, operational, financial, engineering, compliance, governance, classification, HR. Ranging from small business to large corporation, we’ve been responsible for reporting on it. Organic success is higher when you report on efficient variables that have measurable results. 

The term AI is misused in many contexts as Automation is often sold as AI. We understand the difference between AI and Automation and can help you understand how humans and AI can work together to maximize operational performance.

Capable of successfully wearing many hats, the OPS/SOC folks are the teams that the marketing & public relations teams lean on heavily.

20 years of budget experience, 15+ of those years were at management level or higher.  

Designed, implemented, audited, and tested thousands of different DR solutions for all budgets.

Website design, creation, Email server configuration, Domain registration/maintenance, server administration, patch management/update process.

Sourced qualified candidates, interviewed, hired, creating pre-requisites and strategies for multiple countries, languages, positions. Using both internal and external hiring resources. Our teams have always been recognized as the most diverse when compared to other teams in the same companies. 

Experience Earned